Gratuity Fund Rules

The application required to be made under sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4 of Part C of the First Schedule to the Ordinance for approval of a gratuity fund shall contain … Read more

Pension Fund Rules

An application for recognition shall be made by the employer maintaining the fund for which recognition is sought and shall be accompanied by the following documents, namely

Rule 64B- TIN

Every person shall, for the purpose of obtaining Tax payer’s Identification Number (TIN) referred to in section 184B of the Ordinance, submit an application

Rule 37 Recognition of association of accountants, registration of income tax practitioners, etc.by the Board

The following bodies are recognised by the Board as association of accountants for the purposes of section 174(2)(e) of the Ordinance

Rule 29. Form of application for reference to High Court Division

An application for reference to the High Court Division under section 160(1) shall be in the following form

Rule 28. Form of appeal to the Appellate Tribunal.

Form of appeal and verification thereof under section 158(5) shall be as follows

Rule 27A. Form of appeal to the Commissioner (Appeals).

Form for drawing up of appeal and verification thereof under section 154(1) shall be as follows

Rule 27 Form of appeal to the Appellate Joint Commissioner

Form for drawing up of appeal and verification thereof under section 154(1) shall be as follows

Rule 36. Application for refund

An application for a refund of tax under section 150 of the Ordinance shall be made in the following form